Read all of these and their theories.
Adaptive Structuration Theory - Marshall Scott Poole
Agenda Setting Theory - Maxwell McCombs & Donald Shaw
Anxiety-Uncertainty Management Theory -
Attribution Theory - Fritz Heider
Categorical Imperative - Immanuel Kant
Cognitive Dissonance - Leon Festinger
Communication Accommodation Theory -
Howard Giles
Communitarian Ethics - Clifford Christians
Communication Privacy Management Theory -
Sandra Petronio
Constructivism - Jesse Delia
Coordinated Management of Meaning - W Barnett Pearce & Vernon Cronen
Critical Theory - Geert Hofstede
Critical Theory of Communication in Organizations - Stanley Deetz
Cultivation Theory - George Gerbner
Cultural Approach to Organizations - Clifford Geertz & Michael Pacanowsky
Cultural Studies - Stuart Hall
Dialogic Theory - Martin Buber
Dialogic Ethics - Martin Buber
Different Voice - Carol Gilligan
Discourse Ethics-Theory of Communicative Action - Jürgen Habermas
Discursive Formation - Sonja K Foss
Dramatism - Kenneth Burke
Elaboration Likelihood Model - Richard Petty & John Cacippio
Existential Theory - Carl Rogers
Expectancy Violations Theory -Judee Burgoon
Face Negotiation Theory - Stella Ting-Toomey
FIRO Theory- William Schutz
Functional Perspective on Group Decision Making - Randy
General Semantics - Alfred Korzybski
Goals-Plans-Action Model - Elihu Katz
Golden Mean - Aristotle
Groupthink - Irving Janis
Hierarchy of Needs - Abraham Maslow
High- and Low-Context Cultures - Edward Hall
Information Theory - Claude Shannon & Warren Weaver
Information Systems Approach to Organizations
- Karl Weick
Interaction Adaptation Theory - Judee Burgoon
The Interactional View- Paul Watzlawick
Interaction Process Analysis - James Dillard
Interactive Universalism - Seyla Benhabib
Interpersonal Deception Theory - David Buller & Judee Burgoon
Interact System Model of Decision Emergence -
B Aubrey Fisher
Linguistic Relativity - Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf
Magic Bullet-Hypodermic Needle- Lazarsfeld and Herta Herzog
Marxism - Karl Marx
Meaning of Meaning - I A Richards
Media Ecology - Marshall McLuhan
The Media Equation - Byron Reeves & Clifford Nass
Mediational Theory of Meaning - Charles Osgood
Muted Group Theory - Cheris Kramarae
Narrative Paradigm - Walter Fisher
Performance Ethnography - Cindy O Griffin
Principle of Veracity- Sissella Bok
Prophetic Pragmatism - Cornel West
Proxemic Theory - Edward Hall
Relational Control - Millar and Rogers
Relational Dialectics - Leslie Baxter & Barbara Montgomery
Resonance Principle of Communication - George Gerbner and Tony Schwartz
The Rhetoric - Aristotle
Semiotics- Roland Barthes
Significant Choice - Thomas Nilsen
Social Exchange Theory - John Thibaut & Harold Kelley
Social Judgment Theory- Muzafer Sherif
Social Learning Theory-Social Cognition Theory - Albert Bandura
Social Penetration Theory - Irwin Altman & Dalmas Taylor
Speech Codes Theory - Gerry Philipsen
Spiral of Silence - Elisabeth Noelle-Nuemann
Standpoint Theory - Sandra Harding & Julia T Wood
Structural Linguistics - Karl Marx
Structuration Theory - John Bowlby
Symbolic Convergence Theory- Ernest Bormann
Symbolic Interactionism - George Herbert Mead
Two-Step Flow of Communication - Paul Lazarsfeld
Uncertainty Reduction Theory - Charles Berger
Yale Attitude Change - Carl Hovland and his colleagues at Yale University
Action Assembly Theory
- Irving Janis
Adaptive Structuration Theory - Marshall Scott Poole
Agenda Setting Theory - Maxwell McCombs & Donald Shaw
Anxiety-Uncertainty Management Theory -
William Gudykunst
Attribution Theory - Fritz Heider
Categorical Imperative - Immanuel Kant
Cognitive Dissonance - Leon Festinger
Communication Accommodation Theory -
Howard Giles
Communitarian Ethics - Clifford Christians
Communication Privacy Management Theory -
Sandra Petronio
Constructivism - Jesse Delia
Coordinated Management of Meaning - W Barnett Pearce & Vernon Cronen
Critical Theory - Geert Hofstede
Critical Theory of Communication in Organizations - Stanley Deetz
Cultivation Theory - George Gerbner
Cultural Approach to Organizations - Clifford Geertz & Michael Pacanowsky
Cultural Studies - Stuart Hall
Dialogic Theory - Martin Buber
Dialogic Ethics - Martin Buber
Different Voice - Carol Gilligan
Discourse Ethics-Theory of Communicative Action - Jürgen Habermas
Discursive Formation - Sonja K Foss
Dramatism - Kenneth Burke
Elaboration Likelihood Model - Richard Petty & John Cacippio
Existential Theory - Carl Rogers
Expectancy Violations Theory -Judee Burgoon
Face Negotiation Theory - Stella Ting-Toomey
FIRO Theory- William Schutz
Functional Perspective on Group Decision Making - Randy
Hirokawa & Dennis Gouran
Genderlect Styles - Deborah Tannen
General Semantics - Alfred Korzybski
Goals-Plans-Action Model - Elihu Katz
Golden Mean - Aristotle
Groupthink - Irving Janis
Hierarchy of Needs - Abraham Maslow
High- and Low-Context Cultures - Edward Hall
Information Theory - Claude Shannon & Warren Weaver
Information Systems Approach to Organizations
- Karl Weick
Interaction Adaptation Theory - Judee Burgoon
The Interactional View- Paul Watzlawick
Interaction Process Analysis - James Dillard
Interactive Universalism - Seyla Benhabib
Interpersonal Deception Theory - David Buller & Judee Burgoon
Interact System Model of Decision Emergence -
B Aubrey Fisher
Linguistic Relativity - Edward Sapir and Benjamin Lee Whorf
Magic Bullet-Hypodermic Needle- Lazarsfeld and Herta Herzog
Marxism - Karl Marx
Meaning of Meaning - I A Richards
Media Ecology - Marshall McLuhan
The Media Equation - Byron Reeves & Clifford Nass
Mediational Theory of Meaning - Charles Osgood
Muted Group Theory - Cheris Kramarae
Narrative Paradigm - Walter Fisher
Performance Ethnography - Cindy O Griffin
Principle of Veracity- Sissella Bok
Prophetic Pragmatism - Cornel West
Proxemic Theory - Edward Hall
Relational Control - Millar and Rogers
Relational Dialectics - Leslie Baxter & Barbara Montgomery
Resonance Principle of Communication - George Gerbner and Tony Schwartz
The Rhetoric - Aristotle
Semiotics- Roland Barthes
Significant Choice - Thomas Nilsen
Social Exchange Theory - John Thibaut & Harold Kelley
Social Information Processing Theory - Joseph
Social Judgment Theory- Muzafer Sherif
Social Learning Theory-Social Cognition Theory - Albert Bandura
Social Penetration Theory - Irwin Altman & Dalmas Taylor
Speech Codes Theory - Gerry Philipsen
Spiral of Silence - Elisabeth Noelle-Nuemann
Standpoint Theory - Sandra Harding & Julia T Wood
Structural Linguistics - Karl Marx
Structuration Theory - John Bowlby
Symbolic Convergence Theory- Ernest Bormann
Symbolic Interactionism - George Herbert Mead
Two-Step Flow of Communication - Paul Lazarsfeld
Uncertainty Reduction Theory - Charles Berger
Yale Attitude Change - Carl Hovland and his colleagues at Yale University
Source: Unknown